Opening of 4 new enterprises in Dangara Free Economic Zone April 14, 2021 in Dangara

In April 14, 2021 in Dangara Free Economic Zone to implement the instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Qohir Rasulzoda, HR asisstant of President Rahmon Asadullo, Chairman of Khatlon region Kurbon Hakimzoda and Minister of Economic Development and trade Zavkizoda Zavki Amin inaugurated 4 production enterprises: LLC "Ghayursanoat", LLC "Aufen", LLC "Tajplast-1" and LLC "Shansi".
Ghayursanoat LLC has built and put into operation 30 permanent jobs with domestic investments in the amount of 26 million Somoni. The production capacity of the enterprise is 13.5 thousand tons of products. In particular, 25 tons of emulsion paint, 10 tons of synthetic paint, 5 tons of paint, 10 tons of decorative plasters, 20 tons of calcite, 1000 pieces of iron boxes and 600 pieces of plastic buckets are produced per day.
Production company "Aufen" LLC for the processing of metals and production of metal structures in the area of 4 hectares of land of FEZ "Dangara" with the investment of the People's Republic of China in the amount of 15 mln. dollars. According to the business plan, the annual production of the enterprise is 120,000 tons of metal, which provides for the creation of 82 jobs and in the future for 200 people.
The Central Asian company of coal, chemical, construction and investment Shaanxi has received 22.8 million US dollars from investors of the People's Republic of China. dollars were built and put into operation. Its activities are aimed at the construction of 220/35/10 kV substation, two 220 kV transmission lines from Shar-Shar substation and Sangtuda-1 HPP and the supply of manufacturing enterprises in the free economic zone and Dangara district. Production enterprise LLC "Tajplast-1" for the production of polyethylene pipes in the area of 1 hectare of land with the involvement of 12.4 million Somoni.